Wed, 21 Feb 2024 00:00:00 GMT

EXTRA: DB SPLIT CLEANS/HS7 Rounds for Quality: -8 DB Split Cleans -25ft Handstand Walk or 5 Handstand Push-Ups Pick the movement you need to work on most, scale HSW distance as needed or the HSPU level you'd like to improve on but can hold for 35 reps. L1= 2x35/25 L2= 2x50/35 WHY DB split cleans??? Recently these were programmed on Crossfit Mainsite and there has been speculation that they may show up in the Open or QF. Doesn't hurt to brush up on the movement!7 Rounds for Quality: -8 DB Split Cleans -25ft Handstand Walk or 5 Handstand Push-Ups Pick the movement you need to work on most, scale HSW distance as needed or the HSPU level you'd like to improve on but can hold for 35 reps. L1= 2x35/25 L2= 2x50/35 WHY DB split cleans??? Recently these were programmed on Crossfit Mainsite and there has been speculation that they may show up in the Open or QF. Doesn't hurt to brush up on the movement!
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