Wed, 20 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT

1111 SPRINT 112 REST4 intervals for reps (8:00) (9:00 for staggered classes): 1 on/1 off 1 on/1 off 1 on/2 off (extra minute rest) 1 on -20 Dual KB Deadlifts -Max Reps 30ft Sprints in remaining time Goal= 10 reps of 30ft lengths Hand touches line only (not over, no standard for feet), no partial reps. Everytime you touch a line is a rep. 30' = 1, 60' =2, 90'=3, etc. Stagger starts to share KBs or use DBs if needed. L1= 2x35/25 L2= 2x45-55/35-454 intervals for reps (8:00) (9:00 for staggered classes): 1 on/1 off 1 on/1 off 1 on/2 off (extra minute rest) 1 on -20 Dual KB Deadlifts -Max Reps 30ft Sprints in remaining time Goal= 10 reps of 30ft lengths Hand touches line only (not over, no standard for feet), no partial reps. Everytime you touch a line is a rep. 30' = 1, 60' =2, 90'=3, etc. Stagger starts to share KBs or use DBs if needed. L1= 2x35/25 L2= 2x45-55/35-45
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