Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 GMT

SPITTING NAILS9 to 1 reps for time (12:00): -Dual DB Box Step-Overs, 20" -Burpee Pull-Ups L1= 2x35/25, 16" L2= 2x50/35 L3= 2x70/50 OR 10-1 reps at 50/35 Goal: finish under cap9 to 1 reps for time (12:00): -Dual DB Box Step-Overs, 20" -Burpee Pull-Ups L1= 2x35/25, 16" L2= 2x50/35 L3= 2x70/50 OR 10-1 reps at 50/35 Goal: finish under cap
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