Tue, 21 May 2024 00:00:00 GMT

BS BASELINE (36:00)@0:00-7:00 "Baseline" For time: -500m Row -40 Air Squats -30 Sit-Ups -20 Push-Ups -10 Pull-Ups @7:00-18:00 Build to a heavy 1 Rep Back Squat @18:00-25:00 "Reverse Baseline" For time: -10 Pull-Ups -20 Push-Ups -30 Sit-Ups -40 Air Squats -500m Row @25:00-36:00 Drop to 75% of 1st Back Squat hit, and build back up to a heavy 1 Rep Back Squat. If you performed the Baseline test in foundations, compare your new and old times/efforts. If you plan to do Murph in a vest, feel free to add one here today.@0:00-7:00 "Baseline" For time: -500m Row -40 Air Squats -30 Sit-Ups -20 Push-Ups -10 Pull-Ups @7:00-18:00 Build to a heavy 1 Rep Back Squat @18:00-25:00 "Reverse Baseline" For time: -10 Pull-Ups -20 Push-Ups -30 Sit-Ups -40 Air Squats -500m Row @25:00-36:00 Drop to 75% of 1st Back Squat hit, and build back up to a heavy 1 Rep Back Squat. If you performed the Baseline test in foundations, compare your new and old times/efforts. If you plan to do Murph in a vest, feel free to add one here today.
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