Tue, 12 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT

Warmup@5:00-8:00 -Banded lat stretch -Kb halos @8:00-22:00 -Band standing hip abduction* -KB turkish Sit-up -Goblet squat w/ pause -> open-palm PVC OHS with pause -Barbell press progression / Build @22:00-35:00 Push Press/Jerk Complex @37:00-43:00 Strip weights - Hang snatch, OHS Warmup @45:00-55:00 Workout@5:00-8:00 -Banded lat stretch -Kb halos @8:00-22:00 -Band standing hip abduction* -KB turkish Sit-up -Goblet squat w/ pause -> open-palm PVC OHS with pause -Barbell press progression / Build @22:00-35:00 Push Press/Jerk Complex @37:00-43:00 Strip weights - Hang snatch, OHS Warmup @45:00-55:00 Workout
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