Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 GMT

POWER SNATCH (16:00)EMOM x 3:00: -2 Hang Muscle Snatches, building EMOM x 3:00: -1 Hang Power Snatches, building E2MOM x 5 sets (10:00): -1 rep of the complex*: -1 Hang Power -1 Below Knee Power Snatch -Full Power, building. *Does not need to be unbroken. Aim to hit each set between 75-85% of maxEMOM x 3:00: -2 Hang Muscle Snatches, building EMOM x 3:00: -1 Hang Power Snatches, building E2MOM x 5 sets (10:00): -1 rep of the complex*: -1 Hang Power -1 Below Knee Power Snatch -Full Power, building. *Does not need to be unbroken. Aim to hit each set between 75-85% of max
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