Tue, 05 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT

EXTRA: UPPER PUMP & PT3x: -12 Axle Bar Bicep Curls -12 DB Tricep Kick-Backs -https://youtu.be/m_UlDFNX4mk?si=cRAqMu8PdFnGiyPz (Record the 2 weights used for this set) 3x -5/side wrist rotations https://youtu.be/4RUS4sjFTHI -10 Chest-Supported W's https://youtu.be/nknLFYGJxGc?si=dEzvPfHGu_T3_B6D3x: -12 Axle Bar Bicep Curls -12 DB Tricep Kick-Backs -https://youtu.be/m_UlDFNX4mk?si=cRAqMu8PdFnGiyPz (Record the 2 weights used for this set) 3x -5/side wrist rotations https://youtu.be/4RUS4sjFTHI -10 Chest-Supported W's https://youtu.be/nknLFYGJxGc?si=dEzvPfHGu_T3_B6D
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