Sun, 26 May 2024 00:00:00 GMT

HOLD YOUR HORSES2:00on/2:00 off 4 sets (14:00) -120ft Reverse Sled Drag -30ft HSW -Max Distance Heavy KB FR Carry in the remaining time L1= 44/26, 3/2, 16 handstand marches with back against wall L2= 53/35, 4/3 L3= 70/45, 5/4, 50ft HSW2:00on/2:00 off 4 sets (14:00) -120ft Reverse Sled Drag -30ft HSW -Max Distance Heavy KB FR Carry in the remaining time L1= 44/26, 3/2, 16 handstand marches with back against wall L2= 53/35, 4/3 L3= 70/45, 5/4, 50ft HSW
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