Sun, 11 Feb 2024 00:00:00 GMT

MIDDLE CHILDFor time (16:00): 60-30-10 -Wallballs 40-30-10 -Row Cals 30-20-10 -Shoulder to overhead L1=14/10, 65/45 L2=20/14, 95/65 Light weight shoulder burnout. Expect it and enjoy it before we burn your legs up tomorrow :) Goal=13minFor time (16:00): 60-30-10 -Wallballs 40-30-10 -Row Cals 30-20-10 -Shoulder to overhead L1=14/10, 65/45 L2=20/14, 95/65 Light weight shoulder burnout. Expect it and enjoy it before we burn your legs up tomorrow :) Goal=13min
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