Mon, 26 Feb 2024 00:00:00 GMT

Warmup@5:00-8:00 -Banded lat stretch -Prone swimmer w/ change plates @8:00-15:00 -AB -1st pull iso hold + Snatch high pull -PVC OHS + sotts press / Snatch balance + sotts press -Sandbag lift-offs + hold / to shoulder @15:00-23:00 -Barbell prep -Build to starting weight (55-60%) @23:00-34:00 Snatch @41:00-55:00 Workout@5:00-8:00 -Banded lat stretch -Prone swimmer w/ change plates @8:00-15:00 -AB -1st pull iso hold + Snatch high pull -PVC OHS + sotts press / Snatch balance + sotts press -Sandbag lift-offs + hold / to shoulder @15:00-23:00 -Barbell prep -Build to starting weight (55-60%) @23:00-34:00 Snatch @41:00-55:00 Workout
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