Mon, 22 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT

Warm-up5:00-11:00 Rotating Tabata (4:00) @ RPE 6 -Air Squats -In-place Reverse Lunges -High Knees, in place -Push-ups 15:00-30:00 Rounds of: -Build Front squat bar with tempo -20s plank (add weight to build that core tension) -20s/side prone band hamstring curl 30:00-38:00 -Front Squats 45:00-55:00 -Workout5:00-11:00 Rotating Tabata (4:00) @ RPE 6 -Air Squats -In-place Reverse Lunges -High Knees, in place -Push-ups 15:00-30:00 Rounds of: -Build Front squat bar with tempo -20s plank (add weight to build that core tension) -20s/side prone band hamstring curl 30:00-38:00 -Front Squats 45:00-55:00 -Workout
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