Mon, 18 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT

EXTRA: "STRONGMANS FEAR" CF GAMES 17.8For time (games CAP 10:00), carry the following objects in any order you choose. All 3 objects must be brought to on side of the gym, then moved to the other side of the gym (2x 60ft sections for each implement). Each time you return to retrieve a new object, you must handstand walk the 60ft section. -60ft Yoke Carry (500/340) -60ft Handstand Walk -60ft Farmer's Log Carry (200/120) -60ft Handstand Walk -60ft Sled Drag (400/310) -60ft Yoke Carry (500/340) -60ft Handstand Walk -60ft Farmer's Log Carry (200/120) -60ft Handstand Walk -60ft Sled Drag (400/310) L1= 30ft Handstand Walk (walk the rest), 265/180 (empty) yoke, 215/165 sled, 100/65 DB farmers carry L2= 390/265 yoke, 275/215 sled, 140/100 farmers carry (connect 2x70 KBs with strap or set up 2 barbells for 140 carry) L3= as written for the Games (probably no one)For time (games CAP 10:00), carry the following objects in any order you choose. All 3 objects must be brought to on side of the gym, then moved to the other side of the gym (2x 60ft sections for each implement). Each time you return to retrieve a new object, you must handstand walk the 60ft section. -60ft Yoke Carry (500/340) -60ft Handstand Walk -60ft Farmer's Log Carry (200/120) -60ft Handstand Walk -60ft Sled Drag (400/310) -60ft Yoke Carry (500/340) -60ft Handstand Walk -60ft Farmer's Log Carry (200/120) -60ft Handstand Walk -60ft Sled Drag (400/310) L1= 30ft Handstand Walk (walk the rest), 265/180 (empty) yoke, 215/165 sled, 100/65 DB farmers carry L2= 390/265 yoke, 275/215 sled, 140/100 farmers carry (connect 2x70 KBs with strap or set up 2 barbells for 140 carry) L3= as written for the Games (probably no one)
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