Mon, 13 May 2024 00:00:00 GMT

NATIONAL CROUTON DAYFor time (13:00): 20-15-10-5 -Hang Power Snatch -Chest to Bar Pull-Ups -Single DB Shouldered Squat L1= 45/35, 35/25, pull-ups L2= 75/55, 50/35 L3= 95/65, 70/50 L4= L3, end with another set of 10 **Goal: 11min**For time (13:00): 20-15-10-5 -Hang Power Snatch -Chest to Bar Pull-Ups -Single DB Shouldered Squat L1= 45/35, 35/25, pull-ups L2= 75/55, 50/35 L3= 95/65, 70/50 L4= L3, end with another set of 10 **Goal: 11min**
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