Mon, 08 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT

DB BENCH MYO REP MATCHE3MOM x 3 sets (9:00): SET 1= Max reps of constant movement SETS 2-3= Max reps in cluster sets (5s rest between) until the rep count from set 1 is completed Do your best to select a weight where your fresh set is between 12 and 18 reps. Record # reps for set 1, and put weight in the notes.E3MOM x 3 sets (9:00): SET 1= Max reps of constant movement SETS 2-3= Max reps in cluster sets (5s rest between) until the rep count from set 1 is completed Do your best to select a weight where your fresh set is between 12 and 18 reps. Record # reps for set 1, and put weight in the notes.
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