Mon, 04 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT

Warmup@5:00-9:00 -Shoulder Roll Backs* -Banded Over and out* --INTO-- -Hops/jumps* @9:00-23:00 -Pike hspu / HS hold / HS neg. -Banded Dip + Jump + Land* -Muscle Clean + Tall Clean / Power Clean + Tall clean* -BTN Jerks / Jerks @23:00-38:00 Clean & Jerks @43:00-55:00 Workout@5:00-9:00 -Shoulder Roll Backs* -Banded Over and out* --INTO-- -Hops/jumps* @9:00-23:00 -Pike hspu / HS hold / HS neg. -Banded Dip + Jump + Land* -Muscle Clean + Tall Clean / Power Clean + Tall clean* -BTN Jerks / Jerks @23:00-38:00 Clean & Jerks @43:00-55:00 Workout
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