Fri, 17 May 2024 00:00:00 GMT

TRAP CITYAlternating E2MOM x 3 sets (12:00): INTERVAL 1= -8/side Landmine Meadows Row @ 2010 INTERVAL 2= -10 Kneeling Banded High Face Pulses -10 Plate/DB Rear Delt Flies @ 2010 Record the load (if any) added to the 45# barbell for landmine rows.Alternating E2MOM x 3 sets (12:00): INTERVAL 1= -8/side Landmine Meadows Row @ 2010 INTERVAL 2= -10 Kneeling Banded High Face Pulses -10 Plate/DB Rear Delt Flies @ 2010 Record the load (if any) added to the 45# barbell for landmine rows.
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