Fri, 12 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT

EXTRA: Z2 AEROBIC SESSIONAlt E4MOM x 7 sets (56:00): Interval 1= 200m run + 24/20 Cal C2 Bike Interval 2= 400m run + 12/10 Cal Ski L1= 4 sets (32:00) L2= as written L3= 30/25 and 15/12 Cal Grab your snacks and your friends and enjoy some sun on the porch!Alt E4MOM x 7 sets (56:00): Interval 1= 200m run + 24/20 Cal C2 Bike Interval 2= 400m run + 12/10 Cal Ski L1= 4 sets (32:00) L2= as written L3= 30/25 and 15/12 Cal Grab your snacks and your friends and enjoy some sun on the porch!
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