Fri, 10 May 2024 00:00:00 GMT

BIG DIPPER (20:00)0:00-4:00, AMRAP: -20 Toe-To-Ring -100 Drag Single-Unders 4:00-7:00, complete: -75ft DB FR Walking Lunge 7:00-10:00, AMRAP: -10 Toes-To-Bar -50 Double-Unders 10:00-13:00, complete: -75ft DB FR Walking Lunge 13:00-17:00, AMRAP: -5 Strict Toes to Bar or 10 V-Ups -25 Drag Rope Double-Unders 17:00-20:00, complete: -75ft DB FR Walking Lunge L1= knees to 90 on rings, then bar, then Strict knees to 90, 2x35/20-25 L2= 2x50/35 L3= 2x70/500:00-4:00, AMRAP: -20 Toe-To-Ring -100 Drag Single-Unders 4:00-7:00, complete: -75ft DB FR Walking Lunge 7:00-10:00, AMRAP: -10 Toes-To-Bar -50 Double-Unders 10:00-13:00, complete: -75ft DB FR Walking Lunge 13:00-17:00, AMRAP: -5 Strict Toes to Bar or 10 V-Ups -25 Drag Rope Double-Unders 17:00-20:00, complete: -75ft DB FR Walking Lunge L1= knees to 90 on rings, then bar, then Strict knees to 90, 2x35/20-25 L2= 2x50/35 L3= 2x70/50
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