Fri, 01 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT

WARM-UP5:00-10:00 -1 min Seal/Sphynx Pose -1 min/side Iron Cross hold 10:00-20:00 -Downdog with toe touches/Burpee Progression -Scap Clocks with band/Snatch Progression -Psoas March with band -Single DB sumo good mornings 20:00-22:00 90s AMRAP: -4 Burpee over DB -4 Snatches, arm 1 -4 Burpee over DB -4 Snatches, arm 2 28:00 HEAT 1 45:00 HEAT 25:00-10:00 -1 min Seal/Sphynx Pose -1 min/side Iron Cross hold 10:00-20:00 -Downdog with toe touches/Burpee Progression -Scap Clocks with band/Snatch Progression -Psoas March with band -Single DB sumo good mornings 20:00-22:00 90s AMRAP: -4 Burpee over DB -4 Snatches, arm 1 -4 Burpee over DB -4 Snatches, arm 2 28:00 HEAT 1 45:00 HEAT 2
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